If you search for ways to unclog your drain you will probably come across more suggestions than you can read. In your search, you will probably see bleach as a suggestion. If you take your research a step further, you may notice some conflicting information about the effects of bleach on your plumbing.
Some websites will be all for it while others will condemn you insisting that bleach should never be used on your drain. Mr. Plumber is going to officially bust the myth and let you know the real deal about bleach and your drains.
Diluted bleach is okay in moderation.
There is no secret that bleach has excellent disinfecting qualities. According to the Clorox Company, the best way is to wipe out your sink with a bleach and a sponge. After you wipe out the sink plug in the stopper. Mix one gallon of water with ½ of bleach and let sit for 5 minutes before draining.
Bleach Will Clean Your Drain, Not Unclog It
This mixture and bleach and water is great for cleaning the drain and flushing out debris. Yet, this is where things get tricky. Bleach isn’t going to unclog your drain any more than pouring a glass of water down the sink. Bleach is great for sanitizing your sink and drain and killing smelly germs; it will not break down clogs.
How To Get Out a Drain Clog
If you have a clog how you handle it will depend on the severity. If it isn’t a large clog, you may be able to snake the drain yourself using a plumbing snake. If you try to snake the drain yourself and the problem continues you should contact a professional plumbing company. After examining the extent of blockage, your plumber might suggest a hydro drain cleaning.
Don’t try to unclog your drains with bleach. Leave the cleaning to the bleach and the unclogging to the professionals. Since 1977, Mr. Plumber has been serving San Antonio’s plumbing needs. Contact The Good Guys In Blue today!